Latest signatories:
Total : 6005.
Virginia Amigo, United Kingdom -Singh Amit, Switzerland -Marie-Christine Ukelo M’bolo Merga, Switzerland -Doreen Klotz, United States -Danielle Leyendecker, Switzerland

Stick to Science

Put science collaboration before politics

Total : 6005.
Latest signatories:
Virginia Amigo, United Kingdom -Singh Amit, Switzerland -Marie-Christine Ukelo M’bolo Merga, Switzerland -Doreen Klotz, United States -Danielle Leyendecker, Switzerland

Stick to Science

An online signature campaign for an open and inclusive European Research Area.

The Stick to Science initiative has been set up by the European research community calling for open and barrier-free collaboration among Europe’s research and innovation (R&I) actors, who all share the same values. The initiative is an active response to the delayed  progression of association agreements with Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK), which are being held up by political barriers that have nothing to do with science. 

The signatories request that the European Council, Parliament, Commission, as well as European Union (EU) Member States, and the governments of the UK and Switzerland, recognise that advancement in R&I is best achieved when all actors in science and innovation work together across geographic boundaries. This has never been more important than now, as the world faces serious global challenges (e.g., mitigating pandemics, climate change, and addressing food security). Allowing political differences to prevent scientific collaboration is contrary to the interests of society at large.

The signatories urge the EU, the UK and Switzerland to rapidly reach association agreements so that the two countries can contribute scientifically and financially to the strength of Horizon Europe and to a truly open, inclusive and excellence-driven European Research Area.


First signatories

Director, Department of Regulation in Infection Biology, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, and Honorary Professor at Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyVisiting Professor at Umeå University Sweden

Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020

Didier Queloz

Prof. Didier Queloz

Nobel Prize in Physics 2019


Prof. Michel Mayor

Nobel Prize in Physics 2019


Prof. Jacques Dubochet

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017


Prof. Sir Gregory Winter

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018


Prof. Stefan W. Hell

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014


Prof. Kurt Wüthrich

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002

Paul Nurse

Prof. Sir Paul Nurse

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001

giorgio parisi

Prof. Giorgio Parisi

Nobel Prize in Physics 2021


Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016

Villani copie

Prof. Cédric Villani

Fields Medal 2010, Member of the French Parliament


Prof. Alessio Figalli

Fields Medal 2018

First signatories

giorgio parisi

Prof. Giorgio Parisi

Nobel Prize in Physics 2021

Director, Department of Regulation in Infection Biology, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, and Honorary Professor at Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyVisiting Professor at Umeå University Sweden

Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020


Prof. Reinhard Genzel

Nobel Prize in Physics 2020

Didier Queloz

Prof. Didier Queloz

Nobel Prize in Physics 2019


Prof. Michel Mayor

Nobel Prize in Physics 2019


Prof. Sir Gregory Winter

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018


Prof. Jacques Dubochet

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017


Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016


Prof. Stefan W. Hell

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014


Prof. Sir Andre Geim

Nobel Prize in Physics 2010


Prof. Kurt Wüthrich

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002

Paul Nurse

Sir Paul Nurse

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001

Bednorz copie

Prof. J. Georg Bednorz

Nobel Prize in Physics 1987


Prof. Alessio Figalli

Fields Medal 2018

Villani copie

Prof. Cédric Villani

Fields Medal 2010, Member of the French Parliament


Prof. Stanislav Smirnov

Fields Medal 2010