Video statement from Prof. Jana Klánová, Director of RECETOX research centre, Masaryk University, Brno
Prof. Jana Klánová, Director of RECETOX research centre, testifies on the positive impact of the collaboration with University College London (UCL) and ETH Zurich for building up the European Centre of Excellence in Human Exposome research. This Teaming project (CETOCOEN Excellence) under Horizon 2020 supported a better integration of the Widening region to the European Research Area. Therefore, a future collaboration with the UK and Switzerland is of great importance for the centre.
Started in 2020, the project is currently facing difficulties in making strategic decisions and long term commitments unless Horizon Europe remains open to the UK and Switzerland. To achieve the goals of the Widening actions, Prof. Jana Klánová requests that the association agreements of the UK and Switzerland should be finalised as soon as possible.
RECETOX is a research centre at the Masaryk University Faculty of Science in Brno – Czech Republic. It is engaged in research and education in the management of environmental and health risks associated with the chemicals. RECETOX coordinates new ESFRI project EIRENE, research infrastructure for environmental exposure assessment in Europe.
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