More than a dozen of the European Research Council (ERC) current and former personalities expressed their support to the Stick to Science initiative. You can find some of their quotes below.
Both, UK and Switzerland, were members from early on and actively supported the founding of the ERC.
Prof. Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, First Secretary General of the ERC / Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
As former ERC vice-president, I could observe the importance and the efficiency of gathering the whole European research community under the same supporting umbrella.
Dr. Daniel Esteve, Research Director French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) / Former ERC Vice-president
EU-funded research is even stronger, when the best scientists work together. This includes colleagues from Switzerland and the UK. It seems impossible to think that this may not be possible.
Prof. Michael Kramer, Director Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy / Former member of the ERC Scientific Council
The community of scholars, scientists, students, researchers has to remain ONE and united to keep the free spirit of science and innovation.
Prof. Gulio Superti-Furga, Director Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences / Vice-Chair EU-Life / former ERC Member